When Was My Leupold Riflescope Manufactured?

Every Leupold scope produced since 1974 will have a letter included in the serial number acting as a date-code. Scopes manufactured prior to 1974 will typically have a five or six-digit serial number without a prefix or suffix. Scopes using a letter as a prefix (the beginning of the serial number) were produced between 1974 and 1992. Scopes using a letter as a suffix (the end of the serial number) have been produced after 1992. On the chart below, you will notice the letters I, O, and Q have been omitted as they are easily mistaken for 1, 0, and O respectively.

E = 1974 
F = 1975 
G = 1976 
H = 1977 
J = 1978 
K = 1979 
L = 1980 
M = 1981 
N = 1982 
P = 1983 
R = 1984 
S = 1985 
T = 1986 
U = 1987 
V = 1988 
W = 1989 
X = 1990 
Y = 1991 
Z = 1992 


A = 1993
B = 1994
C = 1995
D = 1996
E = 1997
F = 1998
G = 1999
H = 2000
J = 2001
K = 2002
L = 2003
M = 2004
N = 2005
P = 2006
R = 2007
T = 2008
U = 2009
V = 2010
W = 2011
X = 2012
Y = 2013
AA = 2014
AB = 2015
AC = 2016
AD = 2017
AE = 2018
AF = 2019
AG = 2020
AH = 2021
AJ = 2022
AK = 2023
AL = 2024